Regressive American Redneck Utopians Are Fat & Slow, They Are No Fun For Target Practice
(too old to reply)
2013-05-22 00:30:04 UTC
But they still believe that you'll wait until they have time to pull out
their guns before you blow their heads off.
In their fantasy land, that's how things work.
That's why it's always better to stand your ground, shoot them first and
ask questions later.
No, they know (often from experience) it's not who gets off the first
shot, but who gets off the killing shot that lives. After some nitwit
shoots a hole in the air, the "redneck" shoots a hole in him or her.
2013-05-22 16:53:58 UTC
"Seneca" wrote in message news:***@

But they still believe that you'll wait until they have time to
pull out their guns before you blow their heads off.

In their fantasy land, that's how things work.

That's why it's always better to stand your ground, shoot them
first and ask questions later.


Unless of course they sneak up and blow your silly brains out before you
have the chance. I guess shooting first is the best defense in your foolish

Hope you don't live in MY neighborhood.
Nunya Bidnits
2013-05-22 17:19:49 UTC
But they still believe that you'll wait until they have time to
pull out their guns before you blow their heads off.
In their fantasy land, that's how things work.
That's why it's always better to stand your ground, shoot them
first and ask questions later.
Unless of course they sneak up and blow your silly brains out before you
have the chance. I guess shooting first is the best defense in your
foolish utopia.
Hope you don't live in MY neighborhood.
You clowns must suffer from spontaneous bleeding from the brain. That would
account for posting your little screedfest to multiple NGs which have
nothing to do with firearms. If you're going to troll, at least give it a
half-assed decent attempt next time.
