According to A Liberal (He doesn't like Romney) Using A Gun Stops 3,000 Crimes A Minute - And That's Just In Small Town Texas!
(too old to reply)
2012-08-03 15:59:11 UTC
Think of what kind of crime infested shit hole the deep south would really
be like if law abiding gun owners weren't carrying guns, and brandishing
them every 2 minutes just to stop other armed Americans from stealing
stuff and shooting everybody?
Some say that the ones caught by the guy in the Colorado theater were
asking for it because they dared to walk the streets of the USA without
their own assault rifles. That's because you never know when a white
skinned lawful gun owner like Holmes is going to go postal and start a
spree shooting.
Even Mitt Romney says that he wouldn't even put the garbage to the curb
without fire cover.
I love it when anti gun dipshits try to pretent to be pro gun.
2012-08-04 11:21:48 UTC
Think of what kind of crime infested shit hole the deep south would
really be like if law abiding gun owners weren't carrying guns, and
brandishing them every 2 minutes just to stop other armed Americans
from stealing stuff and shooting everybody?
Some say that the ones caught by the guy in the Colorado theater were
asking for it because they dared to walk the streets of the USA without
their own assault rifles. That's because you never know when a white
skinned lawful gun owner like Holmes is going to go postal and start a
spree shooting.
Even Mitt Romney says that he wouldn't even put the garbage to the curb
without fire cover.
Would you please post credible references to support these assertions?

-dan z-
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Gun control is like trying to reduce drunk driving by making it tougher for sober people to own cars.