CBS newsman Mike Wallace, the dogged, merciless reporter and interviewer
who took on politicians, celebrities and other public figures in a 60-
year career highlighted by the on-air confrontations that helped make 60
Minutes the most successful prime-time television news program ever, has
died. He was 93.
I really hate that. Unlike most of the clowns we refer to as "TV
journalists" -- Mike was a TV news celebrity I respected and admired.
Well, aside from the embarrassment his son Chris brought to the family
name, he had a good run, and can join Edward R. Murrow and Walter
Cronkite (amongst others) as one of the legends of broadcast journalism.
He never had a talk show on Fox News Network, so how could he be any
I can understand why you say that - most of the the Lamestream Media
talking heads are cowards who are in the bag for Obama.
For that reason alone, it's clear that he's a tool of the leftist
controlled liberal MSM.
No, Walter Conkite WAS the Lamestream Media in is day.
Sure, Rush lives and works in NYC
No, Rush lives and works in Florida.